New Year, New Decade, Same Jesus

Wow! A new decade.

I know, I hear the heavy eye rolls from some people because either a, you're tired of hearing about the new year and the new decade.  You're over it. I get it.  Or there's b, technically this isn't the new decade because there's no year one and it doesn't start until next year. I'm just gonna say, let's thank God we're all here to have this debate and to just enjoy the day we have been gifted and I'm ready to dive into some of my thoughts with you all.

I've been dormant on the blogging front for quite sometime due to life being SO FULL that I haven't even thought about what to share with you all.  Life is still very full, but it has opened up some time for me to be able to hop back on here and restart my thinking process.  So let's dive in, shall we?

For me, typically winter time is dismal and devoid.  It's cold and barren and uninspiring to me.  I've often hated the months of January, February and March.  They've been months to simply "get through" or survive.  But last year, I decided to make them intentional.  It began with a fasting and prayer time at my church, New Post Church in Fredericksburg, VA.  I was in need of a spiritual turnover.  So was my home.  So was my mental space.  So I chose to spend my time wisely and with purpose.

The most important place I landed with my intentionality was the fasting and prayer.  I was desperate for healing and for Jesus to come fill me up and empty me of anger.  I had never fasted with food before.  Actually, swipe that.  I had never successfully fasted with food before.  I'm have been set free from an eating disorder and never felt like I should rattle that cage, but with how weak I felt spiritually, I was up for anything.  I chose to do a Whole30 which cuts out sugar, legumes, dairy and grains.  It's intense and rigorous.  It requires so much cooking (again with the intentionality) and meal planning.  I was happy to give these things up to help my eyes see Jesus more clearly, to earnestly seek after HIM instead of food to comfort me (which leads me to believe I still struggle with disordered eating).  So this cut of all comfort food in a time of searching for pain free living was what I needed to come to grips with where I was in my need for Jesus to overwhelm me.  During this time, I was also seeing a therapist 2 times a month and she came along side of me to crack open my heart, dish everything out and dissect it all.  So truly, last January was an emptying of myself and a filling of God.

The next place I ended up with living intentionally was my home and how crowded it had begun to become of stuff.  It was right after Christmas.  I'm a mom, so of course we did a huge toy purge before Christmas, but there was still STUFF EVERYWHERE!  After Christmas, I found a challenge called Declutter Like A Mother with Allie Casazza.  She is amazing and she led this challenge for 4 weeks (this year, the challenge is 2 weeks).  I tackled every single square inch of my house and got rid of boxes and boxes and boxes of things.  I ran sacked my closet and purged 121 items of clothing. I combed through my kitchen and got rid of multiples of kitchen gadgets and items I wasn't using but was holding onto.  By the end of the challenge, my home was more functional and I was able to maintain the cleanliness because of it.  A year later I am still reaping the benefits of this action.  I am more purposeful with what I purchase and always have a "get rid of" box going.

The emptying of my home opened my soul to empty my spirit.  

The place in which we live is vitally important to our zen as humans.  That's why the practice of hygge is so popular, because it is intentional acts of coziness in the winter to bring you sparks of joy.  It's a method of survival and wildly popular in European countries that have long, grueling winters.

What about the winters of our souls though?

How are you getting through your winters of your physical world but also your mental and spiritual world?  What are you doing to intentionally stay in a healthy place in those realities?

While all of these practices I have done, fasting and decluttering, most definitely aided in my personal healing, if Jesus wasn't at the center of those missions, it would just be another lit candle that  lights my life for a moment but have to blow out once I walk away from it.  Jesus takes all of this intention and purpose that we as humans thirst for and brings life to them.

Jesus said, "Anyone who drinks the water I give will never thirst- not ever.  The water I give will be an artesian spring within, gushing fountains of endless life." John 4:13-14 MSG. Life is endlessly painful, difficult and wearing on the soul.  It can and will crush us at one point or another.  But when we open ourselves up to what God has for us, the life, the love, the hope, it makes everything else fade away because He comes rushing in, filling us up and strengthening us with His power that's available to us whenever we call on Him for it.

I am so thankful I chose to pursue Him and to build my healing actions based on what Jesus would do with my intentions.  I come to you today from a place of full healing, spiritually and mentally.  I still struggle with my anxiety and depression, but knowing that my hope is in God is all that I need to overcome them on a regular basis.  No cozy blanket or lit candle can do that for me the way God can.  I beckon you to still light the candles and do all the cozy things!  But just keep Jesus at the center of your life and that candle will shine brighter, the blanket will be warmer and the home you live in will be more full.


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