Brand New Restart with a Fresh New Baby

I finally heard it.

That little voice in my head finally spoke to me.

It told me that it's okay and that I was ready.

So many times before I had heard a booming and resonating, "NO!" So when I heard, "Yes. Go ahead." the peace that followed swallowed me whole.  I felt like I had fallen backwards into a lake, landed in the most pure and clear water and floated as the sun fell on my face.  It was the peace I was unsure I would ever experience again and one that I welcomed with open arms.

Although I had quit photography 2 years ago, people never stopped asking me to take their photos and cover their events.  And while, at the time, it stung a little bit every time, I'm glad they kept asking.  Because every time they asked and I felt that sting and said no, there was the time that someone asked and that sting had disappeared.  I wouldn't have known otherwise. I had started to ask myself if I was ready to pick my camera back up but I was still unsure.

So I wanted to say thanks. Thanks for asking me even when I had officially quit.  Thanks for believing in me even when I didn't.  Thanks for not giving up on me.

So what a way to start back up than with some of my original clients and their brand new baby.

Everyone, this is Levi and he's beautiful.  This kid didn't want to miss out on a thing while I was over.  He was ready for me with eyes wide opened! I know, Levi.  I'm kind of fun to be around so I get the whole skipping of the nap. Your eyes are a beautiful shade of cobalt blue.  You're a little hunk and also a chunk and I'm already glad to know you!  Thanks for making such an epic entrance into this world. You couldn't have better parents than Corey and Addison.  They're already fiercely in love with you.  Your world will be filled with beautiful singing and every instrument your dad can get his hands on.  Your home is filled with scripture everywhere so you'll know it by heart and it'll never leave you.  Welcome to the world, little Levi.


  1. oh my I do have some favorites in this beautiful batch of pictures! Thank you for posting!
    The Loving Great-Auntie


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