Utah and its Mountains...

This girl is a free spirit.  I'm someone who loves to have fun and travel anywhere! I'm someone who wanted adventure out of life!  Family has always been my first and foremost adventure I wanted in my life plans.  

I'm married to my best friend and we have 2 amazingly beautiful children who are my heart and soul! These three people are my life and I love them dearly.  I love taking them on adventures and visiting places and experiencing life's joys.

I wonder what my life would be like, though, had I not married Duane and if I was a single girl.  I think I would travel and see the world with all the free time I realize I would have.  But my life is my family and it's all I have ever wanted.  

Travel has been a side item that we include with our life when our schedules and finances have allowed it.

I'm a consultant with Jamberry and have been one for 18 months in March.  The things I have learned from my business are too long to list in one blog post.  But something that I didn't even realize would happen is that I would get to travel.

It took some convincing, but Duane gave me his blessing to travel to Dallas, TX last year for our huge conference.  I got to fly on a plane and stay in the Gaylord for 3 days and have some of the most fun I've ever had in my life! I got to learn about how to run a business successfully and how to lead my team and what this business can do for my family.  I learned about how to present myself and even about taxes.  Believe it or not, that was one of my favorite sessions! It was an amazing experience and I'm better off for it.
Currently, I am in Salt Lake City, Utah.  I never thought I would EVER wake up to being surrounded by giant mountains OR stay in a mansion with 40 ladies! I'm seriously living a dream.  I flew across the midwest and landed right after I flew right over these magnificent mountains!  I'm making new friends and meeting people I've only spoken to over the internet and experiencing my passion in a new way!

So, I type all of this to say, I don't have to give up on my dreams because I chose a certain path in life that didn't include living in NYC and being single.  I guess you can say I get my cake and I'm eating it too.  I get to travel and see new things I never thought I would be blessed enough to witness.  I see this as only the beginning of my travels with my business and I'm very excited to see where else I will get to go in the future! 

Dress: Shein.com
Sweater: Meijer
Necklace: Target
Leggings: Lularoe
Boots: Amazon
Lips: Maybelline Matte Rich Ruby


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