Blessed On This Mountain Top

I don't have a tumultuous life.

Drama is few and far between for me.

I have abundant health and so does my family.

But I find myself sitting in my office just doing my work bursting with gratitude and I just needed to speak it.

My life is far from perfect and I don't have it all figured out.  I live paycheck to paycheck and things aren't where I'd like them to be, but God provides and I see Him working in our lives and I'm grateful for that.

I have the most incredible roof over my head, amazing kids, wonderful husband and jobs that pay our bills.

I have hope.

And while things aren't terrible and I'm currently on a mountain top after traveling through a valley in life recently, I have hope for my future.  I know God has incredible plans for my life and my family.

I can't wait to see what He does.

I'm in love with what He's doing.


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