We All Won

Something I started doing several years ago was waking up before dawn on Easter Sunday.  I love watching the sun rise on the morning we celebrate the greatest day in history.  It's a dedicated time where I choose a gospel and read of Jesus' resurrection.  I turn on my favorite worship music and then spend time in prayer and relish the moment of victory when the body of Jesus drew it's breath after lying lifeless in a tomb for 2 days.

"...he was raised on the third day." 2 Cor. 15:4

As humans, we struggle with complacency and when it comes to a life being brought back to life, I never want to shrug off the miracle and worth of all the cross is.

So in a life of being a work from home parent where quiet time is a rare thing, I wake up with the sun and sit in the calm and think of all that took place on that Easter morning and the two days before.

They call the Bible "The Living Word" for a reason.  I've been reading this book my entire life and I make new discoveries every time I open it. It speaks in different ways each time I read it.  And this morning was no different.

As of late, I've been hunkering down in the gospel of John.  So this morning, I read of the death and resurrection of Christ from there.  I started when Jesus had gone back to Pontius Pilate and if you'll notice, Pilate had no desire to send Jesus to the cross. In fact, several times, you'll find Pilate fighting against the whole thing taking place.  He tried to convince the crowd that Jesus was innocent.  (John 19:1-16) And he was! Jesus didn't deserve to go through all that he endured or would continuing enduring at this point.    Pilate was like the governor of Judea and welded power over the region.  He saw Jesus for what he was, an innocent man being condemned to die.  He sent Jesus to Herod because he saw no reason for his death, but the Pharisees were so bound, set and determined to be rid of Jesus and his "lawlessness" if you will, they got Jesus sent back to Pilate where eventually, Pilate would have to give up fighting for Jesus' release.

And what if he had won that fight? What if the people in the crowd calling for Jesus' death listened to the reason in Pilate's argument and stopped pushing for his murder?  What if when Pilate talked to Jesus and asked him where he came from if Jesus made a case for his freedom and stopped the whole thing from happening?  Because Jesus could have.  He could have spoken to Pilate or the crowd, even the Pharisees and made a case for his life, reminded them of how he loved them, accepted them, healed them, brought them back from death!! They might have quieted their voices and his voice would have calmed their spirits.  Jesus could have stopped it all with one single word.

But he didn't.

He went to the hill and carried his own cross on the way after endless suffering, brutal beatings and shame.  He did that for you.  He did that for me.  He would do it again if he had to, but because of his obedience unto death, you and I are forgiven.

I think a big stigma people gather from Christians when we say we are forgiven or that you can find forgiveness through him is that we think you're a terrible person and shouldn't be able to carry on with your life without Jesus.

That isn't true.

What we want for you is the freedom you get when you can release hurt and pain that was either caused to us or by ourselves.  There's a heavy weight in carrying a burden of shame and regret for whatever it is you have done or had done to you.  Jesus just wants to help you find healing and rest through it all. Because we live in a dark world where people hurt each other.  It's the goal of some people to see how many they can take down, and some people do it accidentally.  Which ever end of that you might be on, Jesus just wants you to know that you can give it to him and tell him how badly it hurts and that you want freedom from it.

I have experienced this freedom on both ends.  Ive been hurt and I have hurt others, and in both situations, I need Jesus to help me through it to find healing.

No matter what you have done or what has happened to you, you are always wanted by Jesus. His death on the cross will always be there for you to claim and make yours.

I pray on this Easter that you might find the healing you need, that you find the freedom from whatever bonds you and that if you don't know Jesus, that you might be inspired to see who this man was, why I love him so much and why I need him in my life.

He didn't lose when he went on the cross.

We all won.


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