Nubs To Nails

I'm somewhat of a creature of habit.  For 27 years of my short life on this planet I picked and bit my nails.  I would rip those suckers off as soon as white started to show.  I was told my nails would never grow out normally.  Even when I had acrylic nails put on for a special occasion ( wedding) they were gone the next day!  I always wanted pretty nails, but that habit was strong with me.
I tried painting (which I sucked at)
Getting pregnant (even that didn't help!!)
Fake nails ( HA!)
None of these worked...until I tried Jamberry! Now, this was back in the beginnings of Facebook parties when the actual RULE was to add EVERYONE on your friends list! And boy oh boy did I get added! 5 times in one week! And I started to (obviously) get annoyed! 
"PLEASE, for the love of God, stop adding me to your nail parties! I'm glad this product works for you, but it's not for me as I have zero nails. kthnxbah."
Now, my best friend had just started selling them and she sent me a sample of one wrap to try anyways. 
She thought, "What's the worst that could happen? Right??"

It arrived at my door and I saw this cute, adorable little nail strip and what kind of friend would I be to throw that away! She included an adorable note and everything!! I felt loved! So I wanted to appease her yet show her just how much these wouldn't work and how dumb it is for me to wear them.
I put it wrap...on 6 nails.

And I got done (even though I only prepped one nail   ) and looked at my hands and thought, "Oh my pants. These are CUTE!"
So I eventually got my nails COMPLETELY grown out using Jamberry nail wraps,  

They were super useful because they didn't let me see the growth, only the design!! And I wanted as much design to show as possible!! I've been slinging jams for 3 years now and I love them so much! My nails are never naked!
Now, if you're still with me (God bless you) I've had a bit of a set back and it's one that I surround with shame in my head.  I love these wraps. I'm a nail queen. But life has taken a bit of a beating in the last year and my nails are showing that.  I've picked them off twice now.  I have been wearing tips to hide them as I cower in the corner as though I've been a bad girl. I mean, come on! I sell these things, right?? I should have perfect, flawless, AMAZING nails!! And I don't! And I've been beating myself up over that.
But what portion of life is perfect? Flawless? Amazing at all times? I might be bold enough to say no part is ever all three of those all at the same time or for a never ending run.  Sometimes, life is just hard and it'll show somehow. And guess what. IT'S FREAKING OKAY!!!
So, I'll be going to conference in June with my tips on and rock my favorite manicure and have fake yet flawless, perfect, AMAZING nails! 
Then I will come home, remove those fake tips and start from scratch. And I'm inviting you to come with me! Heck, I've grown these babies out before. I'm gonna DO IT AGAIN! And I want as many people to join me that I can gather!! 
This is no sales pitch. This is an invitation for a safe and judgement free environment that will encourage and uplift you personally while teaching you and reminding you to take care of your nails! I guarantee that if you join me, you'll see growth and feel inspired to not pick and not bite and learn about how to grow healthy nails out! It's not a quick process! I'll tell you that much. But it will be worth it when you look down one day and see those gorgeous phalanges in front of you and think, "Are those REALLY MY nails??"
And honey, yes. Yes they will be!
Won't you join me?


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