Be A Yoda :: The Power Of Positive Thinking

 I, of course, am watching Star Wars all day today and we're onto The Empire Strikes Back (my favorite!!) I'm at the part where Luke is learning about The Force and becoming a Jedi when suddenly Luke's X Wing sinks to the bottom of the swamp in Degobah. His heart plummets because this gigantic ship is under water (his way out of this swamp where he's training in seclusion) and sees nothing but the end of the road.

"We'll never get it out now!"

"So certain are you??  Always with you it cannot be done.  Do you hear nothing that I say??"

"Master, moving stones around is one thing.  This is TOTALLY different!"

"NO! No different! Only different in your mind! You must unlearn what you have learned."

"...alright. I'll give it a try."

"NO!  Try not! DO.  Or do not.  There is no try."

Luke nods and goes for it but is overcome with the thought of how large his ship is and how much of a newbie he is with using The Force and how much of a Jedi he isn't.  He fails miserably attempting to lift his X Wing from the swamp.  He walks back to Yoda defeated.

"I can't.  It's too big."

"Size matters not.  Look at me.  Judge me by my size do you?? Hm?? And well you should not. For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship."

"You want the impossible."

Yoda then goes to show Luke how weak his mind set truly is and being 2'2 tall he lifts that X-Wing right out of the swamp and moves it over to dry land.

"I...I don't believe it!!"

"That is why you fail."

In my line of work, this hit home so hard.  If you don't believe in what your abilities are and what you're capable of, you'll fail from the start.  If you don't *think* you will have sales, then you're not even going to try.  If you don't *think* you'll recruit, then you won't.  If you don't *believe* you'll promote, then you're stuck where you are.  You see a 12,000 lb X-Wing under water when you look at the obstacles in front of you has a business owner.  You categorize them as impossible and go sit down on the sidelines completely defeated, giving up.  

Where's the Yoda inside of you?? Though he be small he is fierce.  

The positive mind set is magic.  Did you know that?? It's so magical, it's basically The Force and one you can adopt and train your mind to revolve around.  Positive thinking is healthier for you.  It empowers you.  I love the saying, "Fake it till you make it." It might have negative connotations to it, but you're trying!! That's the point!! Don't give up because something is too hard!! Work at it until you achieve a goal (set those things! They're as powerful as The Force!!) and then go BRAG about it because hard work is something to celebrate!

Be a Yoda in your business!! See the X-Wing and believe you can lift that thing out of the swamp water and even maneuver it to dry ground.  Look at the walls you meet in your work and get to work.  Get rid of the words "Can't", "Impossible", "Never" and "Try".  

DO! Or do not.  There is no try.

May The Fourth Be With You

For your viewing pleasure::



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