Becky's Big To Do Before the Big Three OH!

Turning 30 is quickly approaching.  I have had negative connotations towards this life mile marker so far.  This ideal could have been bred into my mind watching Rachel from Friends turn 30 and seeing her freak out about it or watching so many turn 30 and have identity crisis.  While I am proud of what I have accomplished in life leading up to this new age (married, mom, entrepreneur), it's a reminder that I'm growing, and not only growing but getting old.

I know, I know, you all think I'm being a drama queen.  But if we're gonna be real, everyone already thinks that so what's new, right?? I'm embracing my royal title and plan to use it for good and harness my energy I'm putting into the dread and make it something good!

So I've got a bucket list that I'm going to work through before August 27, 2017!  Some are a big deal, others aren't, but they all lead up to helping me be healthier, happier and more empowered! I hope you'll join me as I work my way through it over the next 8 months!

Becky's Big To Do before the Big Three OH!

  • Living Room RE DO Project - Making an adult living room
  • Salt Lake City in June for JamCon and 10 year togetherness anniversary and 9 year wedding anniversary with my amazing best friend/husband!!
  • Take advantage of my healthcare 
  • Promote in my line of work
  • Travel as much as possible
  • Lose 10 lbs and keep if off until the big day
  • Organize and get rid of tons of stuff in my house for a more minimal lifestyle
  • Grow my relationship with the Lord
  • Be more musical 
  • Spread as much kindness and love as possible

I plan to add more as they come to mind.  But as I live my life and inch my way to 30, I want to recognize that not everyone gets to celebrate 30.  Life is fragile and should be lived to it's fullest in the time we have on this earth.  And that's what I intend to do from now until the end!


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