Faith, Trust and Jesus

It's finally here.

You know, that thing you've heard non stop about for the last 4 years.  The coverage has only grown over time and it's to the point where it's the absolute *only* thing I hear about and see on all social platforms.

That's right.  It's the election, folks!

Time to select our new president. And either way, no matter the outcome, there are going to be scared and upset people.  I can tell you, I'm one of them.  If I didn't have my Jesus to cling to and understand that the timeline of this passing world has already been ordained before time began, I would be drowning in fear right now.  I have a hard time needing control.  This is something I don't have control over other than going out and voting tomorrow.  I know I can do my part by doing my civic duty, but in the end, the results are beyond what I say.

You've done your research and chosen your candidate that you want to see in office.  1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th party candidates are being voted for.  No, I'm not here to try and sway you left or right.  Just a girl with a message of hope and encouragement to pass along. There's been so much controversy and disagreements on this topic that I have avoided it completely yet there are a few things I wish people would take away from this election.

1.  Have Courage and Be Kind

I want to respect my fellow man, no matter who they are voting for.  The people in my life are more important to me than who they put on their ballot.  After this chaos is over (or just beginning depending on how you are looking at it) your friends and family who are voting differently from you will still be in your life!! I can't write people off and disconnect from them because of a different mind set.  When Christ came to this earth, He didn't just hang out with the people he thought were worthy of his time and sacrifice.  He ate with the sinners and tax collectors (literally everyone).  Am I above Jesus in how I treat others?   I won't put people down for their beliefs, and in a public setting on social media for all to see.  Arguments on Facebook are the perfect way to waste your time.  Commenting your differing opinion on someone else's post on Facebook only hurts your relationship with people.  Using words that put down and disrespect your friends and how they're voting through the "safety" of your screen is wrong.  Because there are so many things wrong with our political system, whichever party you've designated yourself to has its own flaws.  So to shout out the flaws of a political party and isolate those that you know who are "in favor" of that party is hypocritical.

There.  I said it.

Keep the line open with your friends and family.  In the end, it's all most of us have.  People are more important than opinions, especially your own.

2. Faith, Trust and Jesus

The Bible doesn't promise us peace in this life.  In fact, an entire book is dedicated to a horrific time period that will bring death and destruction and specifically towards Christians.  Things are not supposed to improve.  That's something we can count on.  Christianity is premised with warnings of persecution and martyrdom but is also laced with peace in Jesus and rest in the comfort of His plan.  We've learned about how God has written this incredible story with this world and have heard the stories of his deliverance from evil of those whose lives he worked through in the bible.  These all lead up to the grand finale.  Am I saying that this election could call for the end times? Yes and no. I'm not Jesus so I have no idea when that time is, but I see the signs happening everywhere and find this world falling apart more and more.  The pieces could potentially be falling into place and building what needs to happen in order for Him to return.  It's all very exciting but it's also okay to be reserved about it. It's an unknown and something none of us have ever experienced.  Heck, sometimes the thought of heaven is a little scary.  I've only ever known this world so something as intense and incredible as heaven can be intimidating to think about, but also immensely beautiful.  Either way, I find my peace with Jesus.  I have solitude in Him, especially when I talk to him about all of my fears (I've got a few) and guess what, He *cares* about them! He wants to ease my mind and tell me it's okay and that He's in control.  He's the maker and creator of this love story and if I find my place in his kingdom then I can watch his glory unfold.

3. Quit Talking and Start Doing

Go Vote!

Get out there tomorrow and cast your ballot.  It is so important that you do! If you have a voice, social media isn't the only place you can make that heard.  Voting is a more useful tool than a keyboard.  Head to your local voting place, hopefully you'll stand in line because of how many people are there.  Make friends.  Chat lightly with those around you never minding their political stance and make your peace on that paper or computer!  Be an example and be respectful.  People are people.  Not Republicans and Democrats and Green Parties and Libertarians.  This world has so much hate.  If you can be a bright spot (guess what, you can be) then be it.  Be that illumination for someone.  Encourage people you run into and that you encounter.  Be a portion of Jesus for them.  If you can help it, leave people feeling better after engaging them.  Leave a smile on their face.

No matter what happens tomorrow night, please don't be filled with fear.  Take your fears to God and have a conversation with Him about them.  Cry it out with Him.  Do some serious business with God and ask Him to guide you in the new world we'll soon have.

No matter who is president,
Jesus is King.


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