The Start

A year ago I began my adventure with my fashion blog, Freckled Fox Fashion.  I love sharing about my passion for fashion, encouraging other women to indulge and pamper themselves and share my tips and tricks for clothes, make up, nails and hair! I regularly share on my Instagram account, Freckled Fox Fashion, but have always found myself going back to beauty that starts from the inside.  To be honest, I have been afraid to mix this in with my relationship with Christ so I've kept it separate and haven't included Jesus in this adventure.  I actually have fought with this since I started.  I was afraid to not reach certain people if I centered it around God and to lose people if I did.  

I realize this mistake.

I understand how everything I do must revolve around my Lord, my love of Him and His desire to be my everything.  I need to share what He does in my life, how He speaks to me and I invite you to be a part of it.

I trust my life with Him, so I'll trust my blog with Him.

So here we go.  Emerald and oxblood.
A place for Jesus, first and foremost, women, encouragement, motivation and fashion.
I'm being obedient to the push I have in my heart to share and reach women for Christ and help them realize their worth and value.

We, as women, can be our toughest critique.  My mission is to break down walls and help women of all ages understand the beauty that is built inside of them and how that can shine on the outside.  Make up and clothes don't make this happen, only Jesus can.

::The meaning behind the name::

My favorite season is fall and my favorite fall colors to wear together are deep green and maroon, otherwise known as Emerald and Oxblood. 

Emerald is a symbol of Hope

Oxblood is seen to portray passion, fashion and power.

The season of Fall is the beautiful collapse of our world after a season of warmth and prosperity which propels us into winter and then delivers the rebirth of spring when the world wakes back up.

I love to center this blog around Fall because of the beautiful collapse. Everything dies in the Fall in the most breathtaking way. In the same way, we should be dying to ourselves on a daily basis and being alive in the spirit and allowing God to fill us up. So my blog will focus on the death of ourselves and the birth of Christ inside of us.

Thanks for joining me. I can't wait to see what God uses this for!


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