Hair Pantsing

My hair pantsed me. You heard me right! My hair pantsted me! I’ll define it for you and then explain.
Hair Pantsing | hay-er pant-zing | noun 1. the collapse of the style done with great care of your hair.
So, every now and then, I get the opportunity to do something fun and special to my hair outside of washing, drying and flat ironing it, throwing it in the pony or a top bun. I had that opportunity yesterday so I grabbed it! I was able to shower after trying to ALL day (if you’re a mom, you’ll understand!) I had my bug lady coming. She’s my hero. I even had ants for her to get rid of this time. It was one of those situations where I didn’t remember what window of time I had with her. So the first window, 10-12, came and went, No bug lady. Ants still a crawlin’, hair still unwashed. The next window, 12-2, started. I needed to get my youngest down for her nap by 2 so to ensure a good nap before our evening started and get my shower. The countdown begins. No bug lady. The nap. never. happens. 2 o’ clock comes and goes and I called to check in on my bug lady. She was running late and told me that she would be there before 3. 1 hour. I can do this! I leave my youngest in her crib in hopes that should would fall asleep. I took the gamble because this child likes to dig into her diaper sometimes. But this shower was so desperately needed, I took the chance. I was able to get in and out before my bug lady arrived! She took care of my ants. My child never slept but survived staying in her crib while I showered (without crying. Win.) I moved onto drying my hair and doing my make up! I decided to get fancy and do a braid for that night! I had the time to spare and I had just gotten new little hair ties that would help my braid lay better! Did my hair. Did my make up. I’m getting my girls together so we can get out the door to go eat dinner. I have about 1,000 things to remember for tonight. I’m grabbing shoes and extra clothes and diapers.

And that’s when it happened. That’s when, my hair pantsed me. My brand new little hair ties betrayed me. SNAP. and my braid begins to unravel! I was able to grab it and stop it from fully unraveling, which could have *potentially* unraveled me in other ways! BUT NAY! I stopped the train from derailing, grabbed my braid and ran back to my bathroom and doubled up on my new hair ties! This seemed to work since it held for the night and into the next day! Has your hair ever pantsed you?? Do tell!


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