You Are Beautiful...

People are going to say things that hurt.

And what's maddening is that it's things they absolutely do not have to say.  It's all preventable.  I'm gonna be honest and say I'm guilty of this.  I have open mount insert foot syndrome, so I'm not exempt from these words.  I'm bringing this to you from experience as the person on the other side though,  as someone who has been hurt by unnecessary words.

Let's start off by saying this:
Compliment as many people as you can throughout your day.  Speak life and positivity into people.  Build people up and be the creator of a smile on people's faces.  It could be the only one that has been present in a long time and it could make or break a day.  It doesn't take a lot to tell someone you love their outfit or that their hair looks awesome.

Now, if you're the unfortunate person to experience hurtful words, it becomes your mission to either let those words make you or break you.  You can decide that they're right.  Why even bother? Why try? OR! You can set out and prove them wrong.  Let it be the fire under you that drives you to make a change or push you to accomplish something! In the end, you'll prove them wrong, but you'll also prove yourself right which is the most important take away.

Never EVER let someone dull your sparkle.  

Never give someone the power to rule over you.
Allowing yourself to process your feelings to be hurt, be mad, get angry is great! But don't stay there! Move onto being motivated, empowered and unstoppable! 

You are beautiful.  No matter what they say.

What's important is that you are okay with yourself and that you love yourself.  People will point out things that aren't their business.  It's what you do with those words that is important.  We can't stop the hurtful words from coming, but we can stop them from defining us.


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