Offer Up The Mountain

You never know what a day will bring.

For the most part, my days bring me joy, hope, love and gratitude.  I love my life and all that inhabit my world.  Each day I consider a gift and an opportunity to conquer new mountains! Sometimes the mountains are small with an easy slope and other days, the mountains are steep with an excruciating climb.  Some days, our mountains suck the life out of us.  And we don’t see it coming.  We wake up, make up, dress up, caffeinate and set out.  And it starts out with small things like our gourmet cup of coffee we got in the drive thru sucks as we drive away leaving you completely helpless but to bottoms up and drink it.  You paid $5 for it, right?? Dealing with subtle annoyances and deadlines that are fast approaching all cause stress and it builds up, but we just suck down our crappy cup of $5 coffee and move along.

We allow ourselves to build up until we pop.  Where is Jesus in all of this?? When did we spend our time with Him??  We get to the point in this steep mountain of a day where we end up in tears, saying things we will regret and accomplishing nothing, except realizing the fact that we need Jesus first.  

If we start our day with Jesus first, do we find ourselves better equipped to climb our mountains? Will we be able to turn away harshness with soft answers? Or are we biting people’s heads off because, Hey! We have to defend ourselves! 

When you realize you didn’t put Him first, please understand that you can put Him first from that point on.  Stop.  Breathe.  And talk to Him.  He’s waiting to be invited into our everyday lives.  I’m telling you, life is so much sweeter when you walk with Him.  This strong, but easy to access lifeline is there for all of us to reach out and grab a hold of.  Almost as easy as stirring up what you thought was a crappy cup of gourmet coffee and turning it into great coffee that gives you the energy to function.  An easy solution to an otherwise hopeless situation.

These days that come out of no where and cause pain, whether it’s our fault, someone else’s or just by complete circumstances that are beyond our control, can be claimed by Jesus when we stand at the base of our mountain for the day.  We can’t see how big or small it is, but regardless of its size, we still need to give it to God.  We still need to offer the climb up to Him because we need Him for the small slopes and the big climbs.

Stir your latte.


Offer up the mountain.



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